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MLK 2024


This project is for the Diversity, Equality, and Inclusivity team from Uncommon Schools*. The team held a panel of high school student representatives from each region to discuss a reading from MLK Jr. and answer the question, "What cause do you think MLK Jr. would be championing today?" The team then shared student quotes from this discussion to share on the social media pages. The main talking point for the students will be: "the philosophy or non-violent direct action to combat injustice anywhere."

*Uncommon Schools is a nonprofit organization that manages public K-12 charter schools in Massachusetts, New Jersey, and New York. To learn more information about it, visit here


Main Campaign Concept: MLK Messaging Focus


Visual language: To incorporate historical photos and elevate the design with a contemporary touch, I focused on the element of shapes and how they pave the way for the story we are conveying of MLK Jr.

-  Window/door: it symbolizes hope and opportunity that can be found when looking through it, just like how MLK Jr. facing the direction of it.

-  The yellow circle: When looking at many historical photos of MLK Jr., his body language not only amplifies his speech, but also becomes an important aspect of his leadership personality. Here, I wanted to highlight his wave to the crowd and the hope and opportunity he’s building for everyone.

-  The green stripes: they represent prison bars; however, the placement of quote below illustrates how ideas are being formed under constraint, and idea itself symbolizes the freedom of the mind, mentally breaking out from the prison.

-  The cutout of MLK Jr.: it depicts him standing outside the photo frame, portraying the influence he continues to have in the present, while not forgetting the past that shaped both him and society.

Introducing squiggly lines to create a softer and less aggressive element to the designs.  We see the squiggly lines transform into the echo of his voice, vibrating the entire space symbolize ambition, power, and inspired. 


Students Messaging Focus:

This campaign is more typography-heavy, spotlighting the fresh, new perspectives from the younger generation. To incorporate MLK Jr.’s portrait into the logo lockup, it grounds the design as he looks up at student quotes to establish a connection with them. It demonstrates that we can both be students and teachers of the philosophy of life and justice.

Options for MLK 2024 lockups

  • Instagram
  • LinkedIn


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